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ISTA Level 2 in the U.K | Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Initiation | Sept 22 – 28, 2019

September 22, 2019 - September 28, 2019

Reading Time: 8 minutes

​This year we are bringing not just one ISTA intensive but 2 events, both the ISTA Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Experience Level 1 and the Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Initiation Level 2 to the UK. This is a deep dive. The Level 2 was last offered in England in 2015, so if you don’t want to miss your chance to take the Level 2 soul journey in this powerful land in Devon join us this September. Be aware since 2016 this event has been fully booked way ahead of time with a waiting list … if you really want to be there book now here – https://www.ukista.com/book-now

ISTA Level 2 is a week-long immersion experience that anchors the peak experiences of Level 1 into a decisive way of living… AND it is a whole different journey in its own right. Level 2 adds a whole new dimension to the power of living this life with integration of Level 1 in your heart and body ..by expanding to the soul, source, spirit, animal, light, dark and the multifaceted shamanic beings that we really are. Level 2 guides the participant through a series of self – initiations that say goodbye to old patterns of living, loving, relating and that strongly anchor the identity in the deep powerful self that is already free, inherently loving and dynamically creative in the world.
This training is for you if …
You are ready to die to who you have been until now and who others have shaped you to be.
You want to embrace and integrate the ‘light’ and ‘dark’ within.
You are curious about who you are beyond the personal self.
You live in the spiritual world and are on some level afraid to BE HERE in this body.
You want to see, love, reclaim or dissolve the shadow parts of your being.
You feel a disconnection or fear around the natural wilder animal part of yourself.
You have forgotten you are an infinite being and are calling in a reminder that you are in fact pure limitless potentiality itself.
You long for a deep real and authentic connection with your divinity and wish to connect to and share who you are from that space.
This training is only for those who are ready to burn in the fire of their own love. It is not for the faint of heart. It is for those who can no longer live a lie and want to truly die for love.
The Level 2 provides an alchemical container for transformation through group practice, ritual and meditation.
The Shamanic initiation – its core is death and rebirth. This overcomes the fear of death in the base chakra and also sets the shaman apart from the tribe in order to serve the tribe in a special way. It is an essential component to the integration of sexual and spiritual worlds because it results in the transcendence of ego and the dedication of ones awakened powers to the collective. The result is Power.
The Sexual Initiation – The awakening of a deeper relationship with our sexual energies, founded in Level 1, is broadened to provide keys to integrate deeper levels beyond the personal self. In Level 2 we explore transpersonal sacred containers that facilitate the unification of masculine and feminine, angelic and animal aspects allowing the alignment of soul and void. The result is Love.
The Spiritual Initiation – Meditation training and essential identity inquiry open us into our primordial awareness and provide a taste of sunyata or the void experience. Each individual has an opportunity for deeper levels of their being to be contacted, honoured and integrated. The result is Presence.
<<<What happens during this week?>>>
If Level 1 is the journey of reclaiming, expanding & healing the personal self, Level 2 is the journey of reclaiming, expanding & healing the soul level of your being and your connection to sourc. This week is a deep dive into transpersonal transmissions and experiences in the art of shamanic death and rebirth, an empowered choice to let go of that that no longer serves. From this place of surrender journeying with the shadow , calling in your power, melting and integrating the light and dark aspects, healing the rift of the soul and human animal.
It will provide an opportunity to take a self initiated step … to shift your awareness and identity into the soul, while loving and embracing the human being that you also are. Do you feel a deep call in your heart or belly to become the source of our own life, love and empowered expression in the world.
Once the life is ‘given up’ or ‘taken over’ by this deeper part of ourselves then we are ready for the greater mysteries – the identification with the universal life of our cosmos and planet. The self becomes a source of inflowing current to our surroundings enabling others to awaken, initiate and transform. We become a creative force in our environment.
A Note – Lead Faculty Elaine Young
“My personal journey is the reason I facilitate these trainings, for me they are by far the most effective weeklong personal transformational experience I have encountered. I want to share the possibility of living from a place of authenticity, sovereignty, soul purpose, freedom, love and power with as many people as I can. ‘ All our journeys are different … your life may not in any way resemble mine, that’s reality. We are all a unique product of our souls, family, genetics and environment but many of us are hurting, stuck, disconnected, in denial, lack satisfaction with life, feeling lost, trapped, confused or somehow knowing we are not fully honouring our true deeper being that wants to live fully with authenticity, presence and passion.’
<<<Pre-requisites or What do I need to know?>>>
You must have completed ISTA level 1.
<<<What will I have to do?>>>
Nudity and intimate touch are optional parts of this training. The cornerstone of this work is about consent, developing healthy boundaries and communication. You are always at choice and the facilitators will help you navigate what is authentic for you.
“This is an individual process that happens in a group environment and a level of ability to be self responsible is needed to navigate the spiritual sexual shamanic space. ISTA is a mystery school and approaches trauma from the shamanic perspective of connecting with the body and soul. We recommend that if there is known deep seated trauma, individuals seek one on one sessions and get the ok from their therapist before entering the group process.”
The ISTA facilitators are looking forward to meeting you in Love, Power, and Freedom.


Lead Facilitator – Elaine Young

Co-Facilitator – Laurie Handlers

Co-Facilitator – Raffaello Manacorda

<<<Investment & Registration>>>

Early Bird – £ 1350 (Fully Booked – 10 places)

Regular – £ 1500

Repeaters – £ 1150 (4 places available)

To book and register and find out the latest status of places available please visit https://www.ukista.com/book-now

Send an email to Binoy – lovemovementevolution@gmail.com in case of any questions.


<<<Venue & Accommodation>>>

Duvale Priory is set in the beautiful Exe Valley, Devon. We have an amazing large barn for our temple space and some lovely period countryside houses to stay for our sleeping and eating accommodation. World famous sacred sites of Stonehenge and Glastonbury are within a reasonable drive of 1 hour or so allowing for traffic.
For specific details about accommodation, see https://www.ukista.com/duvalepriory


You will be offered amazing cuisine well-suited to the individual’s transformative journey. The venue provides locally-grown, fresh, and mostly organic produce and caters to most allergy requests.

<<<Start and End Times of the Training>>>

The training begins at 2 pm on Sept 14, 2019. The training ends at 1 pm on Sept 20, 2019.  Check-in to the venue begins at 11 am. Please do not plan to leave the venue before 2:30 pm on the 24th to leave enough time to say your good byes.


<<<Cancellation & Refund policy>>>

A commitment to the Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Experience is a deep commitment to yourself. It is assumed that, if you feel drawn to this event, it is no accident.

If for some reason you become unable to attend:

For cancellations before July 20, £150 is due as an admin fee and you will be refunded the rest of your deposit within 15 working days. For cancellations after July 20, the deposit will be retained.

By paying the deposit for the training you indicate your agreement to these cancellation terms. If you have paid the full fee for the training, the amount paid minus the deposit may be transferred to another ISTA training in the future anywhere in the world. In extenuating circumstances we may be able to offer a transfer of the amount paid minus the admin fee of £150 to another training.

A Note about Booking Level 1 & Level 2 together

If you have booked on to Level 1 & Level 2 together, therefore going directly from Level 1 to Level 2  in the majority of cases this flows well for individuals. In rare, extenuating cases, it may not be appropriate for you to attend the Level 2 directly after the Level 1. This would be the call of the facilitating team and you would be offered a full refund (minus bank transfer charges).



Duvale Priory – http://www.duvaleprioryexevalley.com/

By Air :  Exeter Airport at Ayslesbeare, 40 minutes drive

By Rail : Tiverton Parkway, 20 minute drive

By Road : Junction 27 of the M5. From Tiverton,take the A396 towards Bampton. After 5 miles, at the Exeter Inn, take the left exit on the mini roundabout. After half a mile, take the left turn onto the drive of Duvale Priory.

<<<Who are the facilitators?>>>

<<<Elaine Young (Lead Facilitator)>>>

Elaine is a Sexuality, Tantra, Shamanic Breathwork & Bodywork Facilitator and Guide. She facilitates events for ISTA and her own offerings in London and overseas. Elaine has a busy private client practice in London.

Elaine utilises skills from more traditional Tantra, Shamanism, Transformational Somatic Sexological Bodywork and Breathwork. She loves to work with the integration of sexuality & spirituality , the body, the mind and the soul energies. Elaine’s work with clients often begins with reonnecting them to their body and their sexual energy. She longs to support clients to live life as emotionally and sexually expressive beings.

Her work includes sexuality issues, lack of libido, orgasm & self pleasuring, understanding and changing unhealthly sexual /relationship patterning, genital somatic clearing of pain or disconnection, freeing oneself from shame and guilt around sexuality, consent and boundaires, working with the emotional body including childhood wounding, cultural and religious conditioning, grief healing and transformation through shamanic breathwork journeying.

More info – www.thetantricshaman.com

Laurie Handlers (Co-facilitator)

Laurie Handlers is a sex educator, movie producer, radio show host, author, and intimacy coach. She holds a Masters in Education and a Bachelor’s in Psychology and Sociology. Her career includes over thirty years as a corporate change consultant, individual empowerment coach and international seminar leader. She’s a dynamic speaker, facilitator and has taught transformational workshops for women, men, couples, singles, parents and teens since 1978 on communication techniques and secrets that are the basis of healing the body, releasing past emotional trauma, stopping the aging process, and reducing stress. Pod casts from her show Sex and Happiness can be found atwww.WebTalkRadio.net. Laurie stars in a hilarious indie documentary Tantric Tourists” and her latest is a docudrama “Beyond Dinner. Her book Sex & Happiness: The Tantric Laws of Intimacy and her CD “Shamanic Release & Latihan” are samples of her many offerings. 

More info –  www.LaurieHandlers.com 


Raffaello Manacorda (Co-Facilitator)

Raffaello Manacorda is an international Tantra teacher and Daka (sacred sexuality practitioner). He has been practicing Tantra for more than 15 years and has undergone intensive training in several styles of Yoga. After completing an MA in Philosophy, Raffaello decided to spend more than twelve years living in alternative communities and experimenting with radically alternative lifestyles.

It was in these wild years that he first encountered Tantra, the “rebel way to Spirit”. This encounter developed into a life-long practice, first on a solo journey, then studying Tantra and Yoga in some of the best worldwide schools. Raffaello serves as faculty in ISTA, the International School of Temple Arts, and teaches and lectures worldwide. He is currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program in Wisdom Studies with Ubiquity University (California).

Raffaello is the co-creator of the ISTA Practitioner Training (PT), ISTA’s program for coaches and practitioners in the field of conscious sexuality. He is the author of numerous articles, and in 2016, he published “Conscious Relationships, The Art of Bringing Awareness to Intimacy & Sexuality”, a practical guide to evolved intimate relationships.

More info –  www.fragmentsofevolution.org





September 22, 2019
September 28, 2019
Event Tags:


Duvale Priory
Bampton, Tiverton EX16 9EG United Kingdom
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