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Cultivating Kundalinī Online | 7 Live Group Zoom Sessions | Sept 2nd – Sept 30th, 2023

July 1, 2023 @ 11:00 am - September 5, 2023 @ 3:30 pm BST



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Hi Lovely Human

If you are here to book – please do so using the ticket link above. You will be emailed a Welcome Letter detailing ALL the information about Cultivating Kundalinī  in 24 hours.  I request you to complete the Online Information Form as soon as possible to support your own preparation. The Zoom link for the journey & Facebook Group to join will be mailed out on Aug 30th, 2023.

I look forward to sharing this journey with you.

<<<The essential details>>>

This is the 4th edition of Cultivating Kundalinī,  a 4-week  Online Live Group Sessions Tantrik, Somatic, & Energetic experiential intensive.

Prioritizing unblocking, circulating & alchemizing Kundalinī, life-force energy in the body. 

Bringing together Classical Tantra (translating from Sanskrit to Somatics) from a native perspective, Deep Somatics (Embodiment of the Nervous System, Fluid System & Embryology), Emotional & Energetic Bodies, Neuroscience, PolyVagal Theory , Taoist Internal Arts, the Temple Arts, & Soul Awareness.

7 Live Group Sessions exploring varied techniques, practices, exercises, self-rituals and meditations detailed in the <<<Techniques & Rituals>>> section below spaced out over 4 weeks to support deeper isolation & integration

<<<Dates & Time Commitment>>>

7 Live Group  Zoom Sessions Online

Dates – Sept 2nd, 16th, & 30th  

  • Saturdays 11 am – 3:30 pm UK time (with a 15 – 30 minute break in between) beginning Sept 2nd

Dates – Sept 6th, 13th, 20th, & 27th

  • Wednesdays 6:30 pm – 8:45 pm UK time beginning Sept 6th

Additional Support Material

  • About 90 mins of support material (video & audio) to listen to or watch in between sessions (will be made available from August 25th, 2023.
  • Suggested commitment of 30 minutes per day to personal practice to fit around your personal life with discernment through the Intensive
  • Post-experiential intensive Integration Live Group Session (details announced during the course)
  • For questions about breaks, on-screen & off-screen timing during the Saturday session, please see <<<The gifts & challenges of the Zoom Room>>> section below.
  • For questions about the availability of session Recordings, please see the <<<Recordings>>> section below.


<<<Investment & How to Register >>>

  • Early Bird – £ 333 (Available till Aug 30th) 
  • Regular Places – £ 485 (if still availabe after Aug 30th) 

If you are here to book – please do so using the ticket link above. You will be emailed a Welcome Letter detailing ALL the information about Cultivating Kundalinī  in 24 hours.  I request you to complete the Online Information Form as soon as possible to support your own preparation. The Zoom link for the journey & Facebook Group to join will be mailed out on Aug 30th, 2023.

Looking forward to sharing this journey with you.


<<<How may I benefit ?>>>

  • If you find yourself in disempowering loops of projection, self-sabotage or boundary override, greater awareness of your own emotional & energetic bodies may support you to disrupt embedded habits of behavior & have confidence to verbalize places of boundary override
  • If you are someone who feels like your nervous system runs your life, is exhausted or frazzled by life, or you are curious to have a different experience of your body and awareness, you may want to join me. 
  • If you are curious about embodying the body’s natural Defense responses & sometimes (much unfairly shamed) reptilian brain & instinctual responses (fight, flight, freeze & collapse/faint) alongside exploring the body’s capacity & range of antidotes – spontaneous recovery,  resilience, & safety-building micro-movements & responses. 
  • If you’d like to create more space internally to be present to Now and Self with a big S instead of a small S. Noticing & disrupting unhealthy habits & patterns. Instead of unconsciously being taken over by the past history of experiences, or reacting to Trauma present in the body with a small T. 
  • If you’d like to understand & experience the key, radical innovations to self-ritual & cultivating Kundalinī    first introduced by AbhinavaGupta in Non-Dual Schools of Tantrik Kashmiri Shaivism between the 9th – 11th centuries that still offer practical ways to cultivate Kundalinī    in marked contrast to Vedic or Yogic approaches to cultivating Kundalinī   . 
  • These radical innovations contributed to the “supernova-ing” in the  of different “schools” of Tantra (Classical Non-Dual Hindu, Buddhist, & Jain), on the explosion of  Yoga and in particular Hatha Yoga, The Theosophical Society, Non-Duality & Advaita Vedanta, & Trans-Himalayan traditions.
  • If you are a curious body-mind explorer seeking greater range & capacity of creative & artistic expression. Incorporate tools back into your own life (and daily practice or to create one for yourself) using more range of sensate & somatic awareness to inform creative & artistic expression.

<<<Techniques & Rituals?>>>

  • Masculine & Feminine Bio-Energetic Emotional, Tension, Anxiety, Nervousness & Stress Release Tools & Gestures
  • Isolating & Synthesizing somatic practices & meditations  from the Vijñāna Bhairava Tantra (VBT),  & Sri TantraLoka, & NatyaShastra 
  • Embryological Breath (also called Reverse Abdominal BreathWork or Taoist Breath of No-Breath)
  • Nervous System, Fluid System & Triune Brain (Pre-frontal cortex, Limbic system & Reptilian Brain) Embodiment
  • Polyvagal Tuning
  • Orgasmicity & Full Body Energy Orgasm
  • Micro-Cosmic Orbit Development
  • The Dance of the Ouroborus (The Snake Eating its own Tail)

For detailed information about How you may benefit & Experiential Intensive content, please see the relevant sections below.

<<<Practically, what will we do together? – Experiential Intensive Modules >>>

The 3-week experiential is further divided into modules that we explore in deepening spirals through Embodied practice and relate back to the map of radical innovations to self-ritual & cultivating Kundalinī   first introduced in Non-Dual Schools of Tantrik Kashmiri Shaivism  through <<<Techniques & Rituals>>> detailed in the section above,  individual & group experiential processes, sharings & paired practices, we will continually be opening newer somatic pathways to cultivate Kundalinī. 


The Nervous System & Fluid System Embodiment

  • In most body-centered circles of inquiry, the nervous system is often considered to be the conductor or orchestrator and other systems, including the fluid system are perceived to respond to the conductor. However, tuning into non-dual states of awareness & movement, it is possible to explore flipping perspectives.  i.e Where the nervous system records patterns of information and the fluid system & cells are the originator.
  • In collective consciousness, learning is often still considered to be mostly a reasoning function of the nervous system & brain. However, in embodied circles of enquiry, while acknowledging the gifts of increased possibilities of awareness, self regulation & verbalization through better nervous system awareness, the nervous system can also be perceived as an one of many aspects of learning – i.e -it is first a recorder of patterns. 
  • The nervous system records and stores patterns of movement and behaviour, and once stored, it can retrieve them and thereby manage or control experience through habit, memory, and “projection”.
  •  For new experience to be obtained, exploring release of nervous system “control” after having access to embodiment of the nervous system can also benefit, so that “hard-to-shift” habits or “deeply-rooted-addictive-patterns” are no longer directing the outcome and new creative, deeper, fluid or cellular experience can come into being.
  • Going somatically below our nervous system, under our conscious level of awareness, we explore dropping into the pre-historic transportation system of the body, our pre-vertebral, pre-verbal, fluid system that embryologically too forms before the nervous system. We go a long way in our embryological development before we begin developing a nervous system. 

Triune Brain Embodiment

  • Embodying the 3 parts of the brain (Pre-frontal cortex, Limbic system & Reptilian brain using the Triune model of neuroscience) and exploring connections with up-regulating & down-regulating the Nervous System
  • The repitilian part of our brain sometimes gets a lot of “bad” press press for being responsible for our primal needs – food, sex, safety (the flight, flight, freeze, collapse responses)  or hijacking our potential to “Thrive” flipping us back into “Survive” mode. However, lesser known is that accessing, resting & embodying the Reptilian part of the brain itself provides access to a broader band of innate intelligence, bio-spheric consciousness that is cross species, increases neuroplasticity, & resilience of the nervous system itself.

Tantrum & Micro-Trauma

  • Where the rubber meets the road – Embodying the Polyvagal Theory (developed by Dr Stephen Porges) – Embodying the body’s natural Defense responses & sometimes (much unfairly shamed) reptilian brain & instinctual responses (fight, flight, freeze & collapse/faint) alongside exploring the body’s capacity & range of antidotes – spontaneous recovery,  resilience, & safety-building micro-movements & responses. 
  • Creating somatic feedback loops to stay connected with body, self & environment , while safely activating & expressing the emotional & energetic bodies, sometimes also expressing as the energy of tantrums or micro-traumas (with a small & big T).
  • Uncovering reactive patterns and transforming them into conscious ways of being.
  • Understanding models bringing together Neuro-Transformative Embodiment, Non-Linear Movement & Somatic Research, Non-Dual Tantra, Trauma through the lens of the Polyvagal theory, & Trance/Flow State Research. 

Orgasmicity & the Fluid Energy Orgasm

  • An orgasm as an event that has a build up, peak and resolution, often time-limited is one type of orgasmic experience. eg, a peak genital orgasm. There are also a range of other orgasm-type experiences that beings can shift their awareness into, which are not always time-limited. eg, full body energetic orgasms, crygasms, heartgasms, or hands free orgasms. These gasms can range in frequency & intensity from very high to low intensity. 
  • Orgasmicity describes this wide range of potentially, ecstatic individual experiences.
  • Humans have evolved from reptiles that left water to lay eggs on land. We are fluid bonded with the biosphere – the same fluid that holds us in the embryo forms the amniotic egg shell of our reptile ancestors. There is shared resonance between the fluid in the embryonic sac & the fluid in our bodies, planet and galaxy. These are ancient reverberations of our umbilical tie to our planet, bio-cosmic fluid resonance.
  • Fluid is the most resonant of the elements – it is not bound by any form and functions as one resonant hole – one of the most important factors in our humanness is the activation of our fluid. When breath becomes  a wave, we are in greater capacity with living processes. Using fluid resonance, we access the fertile field of our pre-vertebral, pre-frontal cortex, embryonic state of being. Immersion in this primordial cellular consciousness softens the conditioning, the adaptive patterns,  & inhibitors that impede the flow of life-force energy.

Weaving back to Tantrik, Somatic & Energetic Practice

  • Relating the content of the Four Embodied modules shared above back to the map of radical innovations to self-ritual & cultivating Kundalinī  first introduced in Non-Dual Schools of Tantrik Kashmiri Shaivism between the 9th – 11 centuries.
  • Exploring the interconnections between key root Tantrik texts (in Sanskrit ॐ and translated into English) shared across Non-Dual Tantrik schools across traditions informing the development & cultivation of Kundalinī   
  • Exploring the Vijñāna Bhairava Tantra (VBT) & the Tantra Loka. The VBT is probably one of the most well-known & widely referenced sacred scriptures of the Tantrik corpus The VBT is one of the few tantras with a continuous tradition of study down to present times on the Indian subcontinent. 
  • Originally written in Sanskrit, probably around the 8th or 9th century, the VBT at last count has over 24 different versions of translations in English. More commonly known are the poetic translations in English, which often bear little resemblance to the actual somatic practices pointed to by the source language of the original texts . We explore the somatic practices that are less commonly known or shared.  

<<<How does this work Online?>>> 

An individual & group process online using Zoom. The journey includes online & offline experiences, live sessions, paired practices, small group circles and breaks for rest, reflection & integration.

For the longer live sessions on Saturdays 11 am – 3:30 pm UK time (with a 15 – 30 minute break in between) beginning Sept 2nd

Time on- screen & off-screen is appropriately structured with a additional breaks & weaved with solo practice, active body + breath self-rituals, paired practices, dance, short lectures, small group sharings, & circle sharings. 

For questions about the availability of session Recordings, please see the <<<Recordings>>> section below.


The 3 week experiential intensive is designed to be attended live. 

There will be no recordings provided of the live sessions to participants. There may be some recording (of speaker only view – i.e this only records the facilitator NOT participants) for facilitator use.

Short info videos, & building blocks of specific practices & techniques shared in the FB group will be available for 2 months (till Nov 30th, 2023), but these will be independent of the sessions. 


<<<Who is this experiential intensive suitable for?>>>

This experiential intensive is suitable for individuals , dyads or couples, or  friends working as pairs, including those of all genders and all sexual orientations. This is a great experiential intensive for couples to regain the relationship with life-force energy & pleasure as individuals and as part of your relationship. You can always choose not to interact with others if that feels right for you.

You do not need any previous experience of similar or related work to attend this course. All the information, skills and knowledge you require will be taught during these 3 weeks. If you have attended other trainings based on meditation, sacred/conscious sexuality, tantra or shamanism this experiential intensive will compliment and work well to build on those skills.

<<<Who is the Facilitator? >>>

Bynoi is a Somatic Sexual Educator, a Native (Classical & Neo) Tantrik Educator, a Sexual Shamanic BodyWorker, an Internal Arts Coach, & Faculty at International School of Temple Arts (ISTA).

Diverse embodied fields inform his approach, spiral of enquiry, and work including: 

  • Classical Tantra (Translating root Tantrik sources directly from Sansrik to English & Somatics) & Neo-Tantra
  • Awareness & Embodiment of the Emotional & Energetic bodies
  • BreathWork & VoiceWork
  • Deep Somatics (Nervous System, Fluid System, & Embryology Embodiment)
  • Different modalities of movement & dance, especially Argentinian Tango & Sacred Dances
  • Shamanic & Soul Awareness

Bynoi grew up in India, lived there till the age of 23, & has spent the last 17 years teaching, facilitating & living in Europe (Sweden & Belgium), UK, & South America. He speaks 7 languages including Spanish, Swedish, & Sanskrit (the language used in primary Classical Tantrik sources).

Bynoi is fascinated by the potential of using specificity of embodiment (physical, emotional, energetic, sensual, sexual, spiritual, and soul) to catalyze shifts in the body-mind from self-limitation to deeper self-claiming & authentic embodied self-expression.

soul), integrating spirituality & sexuality, personal power, &  moving from self-limitation to deeper self-claiming & expression, while accessing more pleasure in the body.

Diverse embodied fields, often in source language (Classical Non-Dual Hindu & Tibetan Buddhist Tantrik traditions; Somatic Sexology; Trauma-informed Neuro-Plastic & Transformative practices; Nervous System Awareness, Dance (Argentinian Tango, Classical Indian Dance, & Sacred Dances) & Somatic & Movement Research; Shamanic & Soul Awareness; Mystery Traditions, Temple Arts, & Taoist Internal Arts) inform my approach, spiral of enquiry, and work.

<<<The gifts & challenges of the Zoom room >>> 

Since April 2020, I have had the privilege to offer, facilitate, & experience deep, embodied, intimate, ritual Online group spaces. From facilitating the first two editions of Cultivating Kundalini in Spring & Autumn of 2021, to  co-facilitating 4-day  intensives such as Master Your Pleasure Online with 40+ beings in a tight container to facilitating sessions at over 25+ Embodied  conferences, symposiums, & festivals. 

I’ve also had the privilege to facilitate in person group fields again across diverse countries such as Greece, Colombia, Switzerland, UK, Germany, Spain, Ireland, Greece & Italy in English & in Spanish in 2021 & 2022

I have renewed appreciation for the magic of possibility that arises in group & online when human beings support each other generously, vulnerably & courageously, precious pools of “re- sources”, co-immunity, community & nourishment in times, when individual & collective pain bodies are also very activated. Much depth, safety, renewal, connection & embodied “trance-formation”, magic can arise in shared group fields. Some participants have shared that they have had a greater capacity to feel safe and go deep online, the familiarity of their own space. 

Being aware of the potential challenges of screen fatigue, time on-screen is appropriately structured with appropriate breaks, & weaved with solo practice, active body + breath self-rituals, paired practices, dance, short lectures, small group sharings, & circle sharings. 


<<<Refund & Cancellation policy >>>

If for some reason you are unable to attend the event:

For cancellations before July 15th, 2023 – We will hold an admin fee of £75, and refund you the balance within 15 working days, if you have provided your complete bank transfer information.  

For cancellations after July 15th, 2023 – We will hold an admin fee of £125, and refund you the balance within 15 working days, if you have provided your complete bank transfer information.  

No Refunds after August 2nd, 2023

If  we are unable to offer the event owing to circumstances or events beyond our control – We will offer a full refund (minus bank or payment processing fees or currency conversion). You will be refunded  within 15 working days, if you have provided your complete bank transfer information. By registering to the event (i.e. confirming payment), you indicate your agreement to these cancellation terms.




July 1, 2023 @ 11:00 am BST
September 5, 2023 @ 3:30 pm BST





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