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ISTA Nivel 1 Barcelona 2021 (Presencial – En Castellano) | Experiencia Espiritual Sexual Chamánica | August 27 – Sept 2, 2021 August 14, 2021

Reading Time: 5 minutesMiles de personas en los 5 continentes han asistido a los trainings de ISTA en los últimos 10 años y han cambiado su vida al descubrir patrones reactivos y transformarlos radicalmente en formas conscientes de ser y sentir. Por tercer año consecutivo, el esperado seminario de ISTA tendrá lugar en España. Si estás listo para transformar tu vida, este evento experiencial de 7 días es para tí. Este retiro se centra en limpiar los cuerpos…

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ISTA Level 1 en Colombia | Experiencia Espiritual Sexual Chamánica | July 22 – 29 2021 (En Español) February 24, 2021

Reading Time: 2 minutes<<< La invitación >>> Por tercera vez  en Colombia realizaremos este retiro Nivel 1 de ISTA (Experiencia Espiritual Sexual Chamánica) que se centra en limpiar el cuerpo físico y emocional de la vergüenza, la culpa y el miedo relacionados con la sexualidad para alcanzar la autenticidad. Este training será de 7 noches 8 dias, para aprovechar al máximo de nuestros 3 facilitadores ISTA y una pareja del Perú, Yaku y Kuntur, como invitados, quienes nos transmitirán todos sus conocimientos…

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ISTA Level 1 in Greece | Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Experience | 28 May – 3 Jun 2021 February 8, 2021

Reading Time: 6 minutes<<<The invitation>>> This powerful training is being held for the third consecutive year in Greece.  Spiritual, Sexual, & Shamanic  – Each of these three areas alone carry enormous charge for shadow and misuse of power as well as potential for liberation, freedom, love and joy. If you are ready to transform your life, this experiential 7-day event is for you.If you are ready to transform your life, this experiential 7- day training is for you.…

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ISTA Level 1 in Iceland | Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Experience | 18 – 24 Jan, 2020 November 2, 2019

Reading Time: 6 minutes<<<The invitation>>> This powerful training is being held for the third consecutive year in Iceland.  Spiritual, Sexual, & Shamanic  – Each of these three areas alone carry enormous charge for shadow and misuse of power as well as potential for liberation, freedom, love and joy. If you are ready to transform your life, this experiential 7-day event is for you.If you are ready to transform your life, this experiential 7- day training is for you.…

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On living with a messy personality and becoming my own icon July 21, 2019 – Posted in: LaboratoryofVisionaryPlay

Reading Time: < 1 minute..like the dangerous paradox, waging war for peace, persona development can also, reinforce the messy aspects of personality, solidifying rigid, conditioned, self-sabotaging, acquired patterns of being.   In Latin, persona can be translated, as theatrical mask, and also a sheath to sound through.   Sometimes, the persona, requires purification or dissolution, or being seeing, felt & heard, or tuning or mirroring….   or the resonance of vibration, beyond the scope of words to spell, before consenting…

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Dark Light: the golden shadow of crisis October 28, 2017 – Posted in: LaboratoryofVisionaryPlay

Reading Time: < 1 minutesometimes, crisis is us, throwing off the intensity, that we experience at the core of our being, complaining that we have been abandoned by God.   when presence is held, the fire of crisis, in-tense-ity, can also kick-start, the process of involution.   crisis can lead to revelation, which when integrated, produces alignment, which can trigger crisis again…   staying present with, and not judging crisis, can sometimes let light, in through the cracks, illumination,   this is not light…

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In the dark places of wisdom October 26, 2017 – Posted in: LaboratoryofVisionaryPlay

Reading Time: < 1 minutewhat if the frenzy, of western civilization, we’re experiencing, is like an auto-immune disease? the body rebels, becomes hyperactive, seems disociated from the mind, wages guerrilla war. what if we need not, keep creating fantasies of a better future, but choose rest instead. go back to helplessness, known to the ancient Greeks as “pathlessness”? what if we dare to say, we have reached the point, where we don’t know, where to go? if you’re lucky,…

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Supporting the paradigm shift of awakening October 25, 2017 – Posted in: LaboratoryofVisionaryPlay

Reading Time: < 1 minuteisn’t it crazy, that society associates, the ancient Egyptian goddess of love, Isis with terror? like associating tan – tra, keystone to experience, non-dual awareness, only with sex. supporting the paradigm shift of awakening, on this planet, to infinite awake loving presence, requires being the change, we want to see in the world. deep in the core, of our being, is a longing to re-wild our animal, to re-connect heart, spirit & sex with soul.…

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The fire of loving love October 24, 2017 – Posted in: LaboratoryofVisionaryPlay

Reading Time: < 1 minute…love is an overflowing, and also a choice, choosing love requires power, expressing as the will to love. in collective consciousness, power is often associated with the 1%, something unknown unknown outside of ourselves, dis-empowering personal self. purification of the power to love, transmutes rage in the bowels of the body+mind, to cour-age, rage of the heart. purification, reveals the subtle difference,’ between love of being loved, and the love of love. like lightning, setting off…

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Soul-craft for integrated human animals October 21, 2017 – Posted in: LaboratoryofVisionaryPlay

Reading Time: < 1 minuteas a collective, we treat consciousness, like a pyramid scheme, consisting exclusively of higher vibration, subtler, finer; one half of ever-present duality.   like monkeys covering eyes and ears, we pretend the density of vibrations, sitting lower in our body, disappear if we avoid looking there.   we long to go beyond, being driven by our mind, using our mind, a koan of epic-mind-fuck-ery, castrated from throbbing wombs, yonis, and balls.   the other side of the…

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